I will be studying abroad in Japan for my major next spring. I was wondering if jet lag would mess up my birth control schedule, as I typically take the pill every morning at 8am. When I got off schedule for a little while, I ended up having multiple periods in a month. Should I just continue taking it 8am EST but in Japan’s timezone? I think that would be around 9pm there. Or should I try to change the schedule around completely?
Additionally, i take adderall for ADHD. I read that I can’t get stimulants prescribed in Japan. Would there be any other medicines that I could take while there? I also take prozac and I am unsure if that is available in Japan as well. I don’t quite know where to research about this and who else to ask.
Depends a bit on the specific pill but normally you can just take it at the same time ignoring time zones eg. 8 AM time zone x and 8 AM Japan. Most pills allow a 12 hour window shift. If you are unsure ask your doctor or use additional protection.
Adderall is completely illegal. Do not even think about bringing it! You need to get a doctor in Japan that can prescribe you another ADHD medication.
Regarding prozac I think the situation is similar. Need to switch to another SSRI.
>, i take Adderall for ADHD.
Nope, no Adderall in Japan ^(can ^import ^some).
You can get Concerta (time release). [See.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/search?q=+adderall&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all)
>I also take prozac and I am unsure if that is available in Japan
* https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/lt2vha/prozac_prescription_in_japan/
Bring a large supply of the pill with you if you can. My GP gave me a script to take 1 years worth with me when I went. It’s expensive in Japan and they often only give you a short script for like 3 months. Very annoying if you have to take time off work to go to the doctor.
How many months will you be there? If its like 3 months or shorter, then it might be easier on your body to take the pill at 9PM instead of switching things around. Maybe you can do it at 8PM to make it easier to remember?
Edit: If you have family in your home country, they should be able to send you your month prescription of whatever in the mail as long as the drug is not illegal in Japan. I have heard of people asking their doctors to double their dose so that one month can cover 2 to save the hassle of sending a bottle over every month.
Check out this thread for advice https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/lgm1o2/psychiatrist_prescriptions_in_japan/