Law / rights if condition of ShareHouse room is pretty bad Tokyo – Japan

Hello and Konnichiha everyone.

I hope you can help.

I am staying for a couple of month in a ShareHouse in Tokyo, and having trouble with my three ACs. The ACs sound like a motocycles. Since my room has a balcony with three ACs, all the (very old) ACs are making incredible loud noise while heating.

I ve contacted the ShareHouse company several times … They sent (non technical) staff looking for it; I sent them sound files for prove … They sent different people, again and again – four appointments yet.

– Finally they are going to replace it soon after six weeks.

Since I woke up almost every night by one of the ACs, I’ve asked them to –at least– reduce the rent. Nothing. They reply to my Mails, but they completely ignore everything about “reducing / adjusting the rent” or that I would really like to explain my situation to a responsible person in charge. – Just nothing.

After severall attempts, I even said that since they are not fulfilling their obligations as a lessor for over six weeks I will wait for a response and don’t pay my next monthly rent.

The only response was, that I have to pay the complete rent till date X.


So what can I do? I feel at their mercy … and helpless.

What could I finally do?

As far as the room would be ok: I have no problem to pay for it. Since I even can’t sleep paying over 80k monthly for a room in a sharehouse is ridiculous.


A friend who is living here suggested to stop paying the rent at all, since they can’t kick me out by japanese law, and to move to another company after 1–2 month. He added they will sent some guy to “yell” at me, but they won’t touch me. Even the police (if they were called) won’t do nothing about it. Well – I dont want to escalate this much, even since I dont know what they are going to do ( I’ve heared that they kicked some Pakistani guys out, just because they didn’t liked them. They called the police, told them stories, and the two guys were gone).


So I would appreciate any real help or advice.

1 comment
  1. Unfortunately, that type of unit is inherently noisy because of vibration if it’s on a veranda on an upper floor. We put rubber pads under the feet of ours to reduce the noise from vibration that resonates through the veranda floor to the walls.

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