Certificate Of Eligibility (Unpopular Case)

Q. Hello! Okay, so my case is little different than others. I’m from India. I work as a 3D Environment Artist in the AAA Game Industry. So I applied to one of the gaming studios in Japan and was successfully able to crack all the stages and was able to receive a Job Offer. Right now, It is in the COE process. So what happened is that, In India not a single university offers a Bachelor’s Degree in a Game Design. So I took 2 private diplomas in Game Design and completed my studies. At the moment, I possess total 4 years of a experience in the Game Industry on paper. So when the employer was about to start the process of COE they told me that without Bachelor’s Degree it is not possible to get a Work-Visa because they were trying to get a Visa for me under the Work Visa category of ARTIST VISA. However, the employer consulted with an expert Immigration Lawyer and the lawyer told that I fall in the ‘International Services’ category and not in the Artist category and with that the lawyer said that they know a way to get a Work Visa secured in a case like this. The immigration Lawyer is from a company who secures a Work Visa for foreign Immigrants. And their success rate of getting a Work Visa secured is 99% as mentioned on their official website. The name of that company is ACROSEED JAPAN. Which is extremely popular in Japan from last 40 Years.

So there are 3 subcategories under Engineer’s Work Visa. 1st is Engineer Visa, 2nd is Humanity Resources and the 3rd is International Services. To qualify for the International Services category you either need a Bachelor’s Degree in your relevant field OR 3+ years of a Work experience in your relavant field. Under the International Services; there’s one occupation called ‘Designers’. What Lawyer suggested that I should replace every letter of ‘ARTIST’ to ‘DESIGNER’ In my Resume & CV. So I altered everything which says Artist and replaced it with Designer. [For Ex:- If it says 3D Asset Artist/Environment Artist; I replaced it with 3d Asset Designer/Environment Designer]. And also Lawyer said to forward some of my work examples so he can take a look at it and will make a use of it for the COE. And coincidentally, In all of the experience letters which I have from my previous employers, there was one thing which was boldly highlighted that, I have worked as a 3D Artist/ Environment Artist in the “DEPARTMENT OF GAME DESIGN”. And I already had prepared my both Resume & CV in Japanese and also made the same alteration from Artist To Designer as I did same for my English Resume & CV. And also forwarded my both JLPT N5 & N4 passing certificates. So with all of this the lawyer submitted all the documents to the Immigration Office for the COE on 24th of October 2022 and within 2 weeks the Lawyer got notified that all of the documents got accepted by the Immigration office. However, there was only one Employer’s document which got expired and had to resubmit with the updated one. Unfortunately, the main people of the company were on a business trip and in order to get that one document they needed to be present in Japan physically. So they returned back to Japan on 26th of November and they submitted the updated document through Immigration Lawyer on 1st December 2022.

So this is my entire story! Will I be able to receive COE or not? One a side note, the Lawyer did say they he was really impressed by my work examples.

SHORT NOTE :- The immigration Lawyer of ACROSEED who is handling my case has an experience of getting a Work Visa secured for a person who also had the exact same circumstances as mine and he was also a Game Artist.

Any Insights would help a lot! Thank you in advance!!

  1. Oh! A fellow 3D Artist! I’m also in a very similar predicament. Still waiting for immigration office to get back at me.

    Good luck! 😀

  2. I’m pretty sure no one on here can predict the future.

    However I successfully applied for and received a COE for an HSP visa for a large tech company earlier this year. They also used Acroseed and they did a great job.

    So I’d say you have a great chance if they told you that. Good luck!

  3. Ultimately, it’s at the discretion of immigration services at to whether or not to grant you a visa. It seems like this law firm is your best bet. Do whatever they think would make your application stronger, absolutely do not pay for anything from them out of your own pocket, and hope for the best!

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