Hitotsubashi vs Waseda Study Abroad

I plan on studying abroad in the future and have narrowed it down to these two options. I prefer Waseda personally due to the closer location to central Tokyo compared to the Hitotsubashi Kunitachi campus. I have seen people recommend Hitotsubashi due to the prestige, but I honestly want a more chill experience so that might also be a point for Waseda. However, the dorms seem to be 3-4 thousand USD more expensive, but I will save on some transport fees due to being closer to everything else, including campus. I really hate to commute so… would love to hear any opinions. This would be for about 4 months abroad.

Considering my preference for commute and rigor compared to the price, what do you all think? Is there something else I should know/consider?

  1. If you think you’re going to need more than one bridge I’d recommend Waseda

  2. If it’s an exchange year, p much nobody will care about prestige. So ignore that and focus on the rest.

  3. If you value the social aspects of study abroad while you are here then Waseda.

    If you value the networking because you plan to stay in Japan long-term then Waseda.

    In these two categories its not even remotely close. You’ll be able to do a lot more networking since Waseda is part of the Keio, Meji, Sophia, ICU, Aoyama social network.

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