UFJ requesting copy of residence card and citizenship info via random company?

I just got a request from my bank, Mitsubishi UFJ asking me to fill out a form about my country of citizenship along with a copy of my residence card.

I understand that my bank might need this for compliance but what is really bothering me is that the return envelope is addressed to a PO Box for a company I’ve never heard of トッパンフォームズ(æ ª). How am I supposed to know this isn’t a scam?

I just find it so ridiculous that a bank can’t handle its own customer data collection. It seems very unprofessional and insecure.

Has anyone else received this? If so, what was your impression? Am I overthinking this?

  1. I would go to the bank and talk to them in person. That’s the easiest way to know if it’s legit or a scam.

  2. You can google the address and check if there is some contact number. Call it and verify before sending the documents. Or else as other commenter said, go directly to bank .

  3. I got the same form and it’s to verify that your account isn’t being used for money laundering. I’ve filled it out in the past, never been scammed.

  4. I got the same request.

    I asked if I could go in person or if they would instead verify my identity with my work place. They said no. I think they want to use that zairyu number valid service or something

    I also wanted to know what they would do with the copy of my zairyu card after they saw it as if they don’t destroy it, it opens me up to fraud. They could not answer and when I asked if they would be held accountable if it happened, they ended the call without answering.

    I could take my business else where but I’ve had this request from JP post, Shinsei, 7-11 bank, Aeon bank, and a few others.

    While I know money laundering is a problem, it is also committed by Japanese citizens and thus maybe everyone should be subjected to the checks, not just gaijin.

  5. Did you apply for a credit card or trying to get a debit card issued?

    Toppan Forms is one of the largest companies that is known to print and issue cards so seems normal to me.

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