Me and my wife sort of gotten broken in to through our window, we didn’t see the guy.

Never thought this was ever going to happen, but I suppose safety statistics looking this good got me and my wife complacent. I was hit over the head and was out cold and my wife says the police are on it. Only thing taken was my wallet, and if I remember correctly, had 5K yen, my credit card, and my driver’s license. I hope I didn’t have anything else in there that would serve crucial.

Me and my wife are googling better window and door security. I’m thankful she’s fine, but to anyone here, we’re overwhelmed so far with what we’re looking for when it comes to better window and door security. We only had alarms, but we’re looking for the type that’s, I suppose, harder to break in to. Anyone got any suggestions on who we can go to and what exactly should we be looking for?

  1. I forgot to add in the title that we’re asking for tips and suggestions for better window and door security.

    Also, yes, the windows and doors were locked. The guy just broke the window and, by the looks of it, undid the locks after breaking the glass by sticking his hand through.

  2. >I was hit over the head and was out cold

    You have, at a minimum, a concussion and brain damage. Call an ambulance and get to a hospital immediately. Can’t believe the cops didn’t call one for you and interview you there.

    Head injuries of this sort hard enough to cause unconsciousness very likely fractured your skull and can easily kill you with a slow bleed to the brain. They’re not like the movies.

  3. Something fishy here… they hit you over the head after smashing in your window. You didn’t see or hear them? No hospital? No manhunt for the perp?

  4. A few other ideas. We have double-pane windows and they just seem much more robust than single ones. You could also install one or two security cameras. Both options will have you spending some money though. I think fake security cameras work well as a deterrent too, and it’s cheap. My in-laws have these ALSOK stickers on multiple windows which work well as a deterrent too. They used to subscribe to ALSOK but canceled a long time ago. For some reason they were able to keep the stickers.

  5. Motion activated outdoor lights. A dog. Plant thorny bushes in front of windows. Time activated rolling shutters.

  6. Someone smashed your window, smacked you over the head and stole 5000 yen? What was your wife doing while you were out cold and being frisked?

  7. I hope you were seen at the hospital OP. That sounds like a serious head injury. Amazon has some great deals on indoor/outdoor security cameras. I wish you and your wife well through this traumatic experience.

  8. Have you ever considered using holograms as a way to protect your apartment? Basically setting up holographic images to appear in windows, doorways, and other access points. The holograms get triggered by sensors that indicate when someone suspicious is hanging around your place.

  9. “Sort of”? Ya, I’d say you did. Ya, Mate, you should be more concerned about your bloody head, not a fucking window.

  10. I hope you are getting well. That must have been traumatic.

    You can install additional latches on windows and add a shutter. However, these are generally used to make intruders give up and look for easier targets. If there is an opening big enough for someone to fit, it is impossible to stop an intruder determined to get in.

    Perhaps what you can do is designate one room in your house as a safe room, with a reinforced door and locks.

  11. How did someone break your window, undo the lock, crawl in, and knock you out without you knowing? Do you live in a massive house?

  12. Call up SECOM or ALSOK and have them install a security system for you. Basic package will be ~20,000 for installation then ~6000 a month for the equipment rental etc. Basic package also comes with up to 200万円 “compensation gift” money to cover damages and loss, note this is not insurance so you can still claim separatly on your insurance, and they will have someone onsite at your place usually in ~10 minutes if there is a break in.

  13. I think OP is still (understandably) in shock and his story doesn’t make much sense.

    (I guess the burglar broke into the house while OP and his wife were sleeping? He didn’t smash any windows, just unlocked the window lock?, hit OP and took the wallet before running away. )

    OP I wish you a speed recovery. Before anything else, I would recommend staying for a few days somewhere else (after removing any valuable items) and take a rest if you can afford in order to heal from this traumatic experience.

  14. Get a deadbolt lock. Keyed on both sides.

    Then get a bat. If you see that hand reach in through the broken window then hit it.

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