I want to learn Japanese

I’ve been wanting to learn Japanese for quite a while now, but I’m not sure where to start. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction?

  1. AnimeCards and TheMoeWay really set me straight methodology wise. They are websites that house guides and tools. DJT isn’t popular around here but their website resources are phenomenal and free. Learn Hiragana and Katakana, get into using Anki and sentence mining. Anki has pre-fab decks that you can have up and running in minutes. N5-N3 JLPT levels are free and N2/N1 I’ve read are cheap.

    Do things you enjoy. Read a lot, write a bit, listen whenever you get the chance. Podcasts are great to binge when you want to passively listen. Watch shows, anime, what have you. Speak when you are ready. You can wait, or start from day 1. At the least, you should develop a grasp of the main phonetics, and basics of things like pitch accent and devoicing. Cure Dolly on YouTube and TaeKim are decent early Grammar, and you really don’t need much Grammar study after that.

    Mostly just do what is fun and don’t burden yourself. You’ll hit plateaus, stumble and trip often, feel down, but if you keep pushing you’ll notice the difference for sure.

    I do my anki/mining while afk gaming, watch a few YouTube videos, read some Easy NHK news, binge podcasts, watch a couple Netflix shows, read (currently manga), and end with some anime. It’s a decent amount of studying and feels like nothing because I do what I enjoy and make it easy on myself.

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