Meeting people / dating as an ALT in rural Japan?

To be clear, it’s not high on my list of concerns, but it’s the only one I haven’t been able to find information about. I’m moving to Japan in \~3 months to begin work as an Interac ALT. I plan on doing this for a year or two, as I build my Japanese language skills, before either going home or transitioning to something closer to my field.

I’m aware that the JET program has a strong community among its ALTs, they meet up regularly and stay in contact. However, I haven’t seen anything similar for dispatch companies. I’ve been told I’m being placed in a rural area of North Kanto (which is fine; I’m not a big city person). But from the sounds of things, I should expect to be one of the few foreigners in my area.

While this sounds like a fun experience in most regards, I’m wondering if there will be ANY opportunities to meet women in my age range (especially since I’m told most ALTs are men). If it’s not happening, so be it, but I’m happy to hear anyone else’s experience/opinion on the matter. Covid has already made my dating life pretty dry, wouldn’t mind turning a corner is all 🙂

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