Japanese business etiquette email

I’m working with a customer in Japan who refers to me in emails by “first name-san”

Is it customary to return email like that or should I Americanize it and say “Mr. first name”?

  1. When I would communicate with my Japanese supervisor via email I always said “firstname-san” as thats how my coworkers and I referred to her in person. If the customer is using “firstname-san” with you, it would probably be better to return the favor instead of americanizing it. I figure, even if they think it’s silly for a foreigner to respond that way, at least you’re demonstrating a clear intent to be respectful.

  2. No. Use the surname/family name +様(さま). For example, if your customer is Ken Tanaka, then Tanaka-sama. Sama is a polite version of -san.
    The is unless your customer specifically tells you to use their first name.

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