Japan themed Guitar Picks

greetings, this holiday season I’ll be going home. so ofcourse my musician friend asked for Japan themed Guitar picks… i got no clue where to start…
any other similar gift might also be ok.

  1. There are a ton of anime guitar pics. Also many with Japanese road signs, which is pretty cool. Many have prefecture mascot themed ones too.

    Some Hardoff stores have a few, but almost any general music store should have larger selections. (General being, not specialised in only one thing, that isn’t guitars)

    If all else fails… Amazon.jp

  2. Where are you based? Any of the big guitar shops like Ishibashi, Kurosawa, Ikebe, soundhouse etc have a good selection. Hard off also usually have some.

    Failing that digimart is always cheap and you can get things delivered quite quickly with them

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