Today in my class, my university teacher pointed at me and said that I dress like a whore and it’s no wonder I get sexually assaulted on the train. He also said that I dress like a highschooler, and that japanese men have a weird fetish for that so it’s like I’m encouraging them to assault me.
I’m just a bit unsure what to do. Should I report it, or should I just leave it?
It made me really upset but I don’t know if my school will take it seriously or not.
This is sexual harassment and yes, you should report it.
Yes, definitely report it. I’d ask other people in your class to report with you as witnesses. It’s a completely inappropriate comment, even if it was intended as a joke. If there’s a student union, take it to them first. They should be able to advise you on how best to report it and who to report it to.
What kind of school is this?
A language schooly
A senmongakkou?
A university? If so, are you enrolled or on an exchange?
Knowing this can help us with giving more advice on what to do.
I’d say yes, that’s worthy of reporting. But I’d personally gather evidence first, recording the audio on your phone or something. Without that, it might just turn into a He-said-She-said.
Yes, it’s a textbook sexual harassment case.
Jesus Christ, that’s bad.
Contact the university. Most universities should have a harassment counseling/prevention office.
I don’t have advice but I just want to say that I’m so sorry this person said that to you. That is absolutely inappropriate and undeserved.
I don’t know he is serious or just being mean, so i would want to know more about context of the conversation before making decisions. There is a chance that he just try to warn you so.
Try recording it (audio) next time, it’s legal and you will be taken more seriously. But don’t make the recordings public, that could put you in trouble.
Report it. Assuming the teacher will take it seriously, that should be enough. People are not perfect and in the end one should hope to decrease harassment, not just retaliate.
If they do not take you seriously, mention that your home University will take this seriously and the consequences will be much bigger if this gets escalated through them.
Yep report it. Don’t let him walk away with this.
Did he do it just out of the blue? Up until this comment was he nice/normal to you?
Sounds like shit guys say when they get rejected by a woman.
Report it
Yeah right. I’m sure that happened.
I used to translate for the counselling office at my university. That is definitely worth reporting and your university should take action to reprimand the teacher.
>Should I report it, or should I just leave it?
Why in the hell would you not report that? Stand up for yourself.
Holy shit yeah I’d report it and hopefully your classmates can corroborate your story Jesus fuck I’m sorry to hear that happened to you
Your university probably has somewhere to report harassment and stuff, so report it and try to gather other people as witnesses.
Since you’ve said he made weird comments before, I’d try to record him during class, maybe giving him a chance to make these comments again, so you could have more evidence AND post about it on social media. Unfortunately, university teachers are untouchable here in this country, even if they straight up commit harassment, say racist stuff and all, so keep your expectations low.
Did he really say you dressed like a whore? If so that’s beyond fucked up and many Japanese would agree.
whore dressing is distracting, do cover up. respect male.
Hello, this is very heavy and you should report it ASAP.
If you are in an exchange partnership there should be a student help center. First go there.
Nice troll
Jesus. That sucks. Sorry you have to deal with this. Be strong. Report it. We can’t let this sort of shit stand if things are going to improve.
Come back here if you need moral support or someplace to vent.
Report. This person shouldn’t be working in education.
Japan is changing. Universities are desperate for revenue from overseas students to keep them alive. Complain and say it will be hard to recommend them to other students when you get back and tell your university what happened