Thinking of taking up snowboarding

I have no snowboarding experience at all but thinking of going this winter vacation. I’m planning to buy the jacket and pants with Murasaki sports on sale right now, then planning to just rent the other stuff, would that be alright? Hope to hear your inputs, anything will be appreciated

  1. Just rent everything and see if you like it. I enjoyed snow boarding. I have the jackets and pants and planned to buy a snow board only to end up not going to snow board as often as I thought.

  2. If you’ve never tried, recommend to rent first rather than buy – unless you’re confident you will like it and keep doing for a long time.

    Most snowboarding tours include rentals with wear anyway

    []( – easiest site to find tours

    Then you buy gear/wear after you know you will do it for longer term. There are always big snowboarding gear sales twice a year (right after the season ends around april-june, and right before the next season starts oct-dec)

    By the way, wear is not the most important thing in snowboarding. The most important is the shoes. If you decide to stick to snowboarding, find a shoe that fits perfectly. Don’t buy online, go to jimbocho/kanda where the snowboarding/ski stores are at and try them out.


    On the flip side, if you want to force yourself to snowboard, having already bought the gear will make you try actively to go more often and you could learn faster. Psychological trickss

  3. For the first time, RENT. Rent everything.

    Unless your gonna spend 8+ days on a mountain. it doesn’t make sense to buy stuff your gonna use 2-3 times this winter.

    You might not like it. Or more importantly you do like it and the stuff you bought isn’t working how you expected and you’ll wanna buy new stuff right away.

    Source: made this mistake, spent too much money on gear I didn’t need. Eventually moved to Hokkaido and regretted all the stuff I bought for riding in Kansai/Chugoku area.

  4. Re rentals: ski resorts here actually have really nice rentals… assuming you’re close to standard size.

    You need at least a few days, better a few trips to pick up snowboarding.

    * after day 1, your knees will hurt
    * after day 2, your butt will hurt
    * after day 3, your thighs will hurt like crazy

    If you’re young, you can recover quickly, if you’re old and stiff, it takes 2~3 days to recover, esp. for the thighs.

    Do get a butt-pad at least. You will call on your butt, that’s a given, but if you fall hard and the ground is hard you can actually crack your tailbone.

    Depending on your attitude, consider a helmet — a must if you want to try tricks; maybe optional if you wanna take it easy and just cruise.

    Do get glasses and mask, that would allow you to stay on the slope longer. It’s pretty cold on top of the mountain, once the wind picks up. When you’re riding, there’s more wind but also adrenaline, but as a beginner, expect to spend a good time sitting, waiting, thinking.

    P.S. going with friends is notably more fun.

  5. I just bought a Burton jacket and north face gortex snowboard pants both unused with the tags attached for just over 5000¥ at 2nd Street. I’ll probably be able to sell them for more than that on merukari after the season. So, go check the second hand stores.

  6. I see a lot of people saying to rent everything, doesn’t worth. Buy jacket and trousers in a second hand store, they are so cheap in cities where it snow.
    About the board and the boots, in Gifu, you rent it for 3.000¥ a day
    The clothes I’m not sure how much was, but wasn’t worth renting

  7. Take lessons. Or go with someone who knows how to do it already and is willing to teach you

    Your first time out will suck. You’ll fall alot and be cold and miserable. Get back up and keep going. After two or three times it will get easier. And you can tell if you like it or not. But your first time will suck, so don’t give up easily.

  8. If you have the time look for used stuff as suggested. Also I strongly recommend a set of skateboard knee pads, the kind with the hard plastic protection. That can help save your knees.

  9. Buy your gear used. Like others have said, checkout hard off, or try out a few brands in store then look for them on Mercari.

    I’m a seasoned snowboarder of 12 years, do back country and still but used gear. Japan is full of weekend warriors realizing snowboarding isn’t for them.

    If you rent, you have to go to the rental store, if they’re busy you will wait a considerable amount of time getting fitted and gear picked out for you. This is the last thing you want to be doing on vacation.

    DO get protective wear. Like other have said, wrist guards, bum guard and helmet.

    Choosing your resort is also important. You want to find one that doesn’t get too busy. Do you know where you want to go? I can give some recommendations if you’re going to Nagano.

    I would recommend getting even just one lesson to give you good tips on how to get started. It’s also a good way to meet other newbies and even wind up boarding/hanging out together.

    Getting on and off a lift is quite challenging for a beginner. When getting off, put your board on the ground, stand up and keep one arm on the chair. You don’t have to skate or push, just let the chair push you off.

    Good luck!

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