I have December the 25th off. I have two small kids 6 years old and 11 years old.

Today I received a schedule change and I have to teach / work on the 25th because a teacher is sick with Corona. No Choice. This last month I have been building my kids up with the promise of what we are going to on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A roast dinner. I am British. All has changed. I have to travel 1hr 20minutes to work from my home on the 25th for no extra pay. Last minute change. This country is cursed and I curse it. God damn every shitty Eikaiwa CEO. May their days be short and may their lives be full of pain. And may they suffer a miserable death in some skiing accident in Switzerland. I hope they all die. Thoughtless bastards. Using and abusing to have a good time elsewhere. Cunts

  1. If I were in your shoes, I’d call out sick on Christmas.. Eikaiwas are dime a dozen and spending time with your family on Christmas is more important (IMO)

    Edit: I just remembered a story from when I lived back in the states. I worked at a shitty conbini and had to work one Christmas as well. And it was a Christmas when all my extended family were coming in town (which never happened before) . I came home and everyone had already opened their presents and celebrated. I cried in my room while my mom brought me my gift. If I could go back in time, I’d tell my boss to shove it and that I was spending Christmas with my family …

  2. Your school is open on a Sunday? Wtf. Dude loads of schools pay above ¥250k. That pay is like the bare minimum for someone who just came into the country. I’d be looking for a different job ASAP.

  3. I could conceivably delete the cunt comments but if I did that I wouldn’t be being true to myself a forced work schedule on the 25th 1hr and 20 minutes away From where the rest of my family in Japan will be celebrating Christmas is cuntish. I condemn the CEO’s of these Eikaiwa that act “big chain” founded 20 years ago in Tokyo etc. I hope the break their necks skiing down an icy slope in Hokkaido or sit too long and cook themselves alive in an onsen in Hokkaido. My Christmas plans were made and because some nameless ceo can’t be bothered to ask me in person to cancel my plans for Christmas. Fuck everything and most importantly fuck the shits that have deals with big malls.

  4. Everyone of you that have downvoted me are cunts and Japan thought police trolls. Literally. To expect someone to work on Christmas Day is cuntish in itself. Your downvoted prove my point r/Japanlife is policed by moderators that only ever showcase the Japan that can be sold. Qatar Japan! Exploitation is real!

  5. I feel terrible for your children. I mean Christmas plans being ruined is a bummer, but it seems they’ll be facing a much larger issue for the next 7-12 years.

  6. That’s a Sunday night? That sucks. In all fairness, Christmas Day isn’t usually a national holiday here and I remember being astonished to be scheduled to work on the very day. Now I just work around it somehow. You’ll have to get creative.


  8. Hate to be a prick but why haven’t you hustled yourself out of that situation? Having 2 kids didn’t motivate you hard enough to get your finances right? God damn…

    And as an eikaiwa owner who’ll be hiring next year, definitely making em work on Christmas if students are coming in. Of course, I’ll be at home with my wife and kid.

  9. This thread is a roller coaster. Empathy, then shock, and now genuine concern. I am not condescending to you or being a shitty internet stranger when I say that the way you’re talking? The things you’re saying? They’re not coming off as things someone in their right mind would say. Maybe being here isn’t good for you, or the grind is getting to you and your mental health is suffering. It might be a good idea to seek some help or to reevaluate your job, or maybe your decision to stay in Japan.

  10. I’ve had enough of the downvotes. Maybe I’m missing something and Japan truly is a good place to live. It’s only good if you are Japanese in my perception. If you’re an “immigrant” there aren’t that many true immigrants “7/11” worker on short term visa. Don’t forget that the Japanese are the “American” wannabes of Asia. Japan has more Karens and Chads per capita than any other country in Asia, enough of my rant. I’ll never get used to how much Japanese enjoy other peoples suffering. Mine in particular. 7 years I haven’t been back home to visit family. Fuck fuck JPan. It’s shit,

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