[Update] Made a Chrome Extension to make it easier to learn Japanese through Subtitles!


It’s been 5 months since my friend and I launched Iago, a chrome extension that helps you learn Japanese through the subtitles of your favorite shows. ([https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/wdl96v/made\_a\_chrome\_extension\_to\_make\_it\_easier\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/wdl96v/made_a_chrome_extension_to_make_it_easier_to/))

We’ve learned a lot these past few months thanks to the constant feedback, reports, and requests we received from you guys. As a result, a lot of new features have been added since then, so we wanted to share what’s new in Iago and hopefully receive some more feedback. 🙂


🧩 Download the Extension Here: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iago-learn-japanese/idpifncfikefjiopoiagefcmcibmglpe](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iago-learn-japanese/idpifncfikefjiopoiagefcmcibmglpe)

🦜 Website: [https://app.getiago.com](https://app.getiago.com)


After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, we’re proud to announce our **latest update with these new features**:


**📝Create & Share Your Own Lists**

>• Fully customizable personal lists
>• Add words to your lists via the extension or web app
>• Share your lists with friends and family


Not sure where to start? We created some lists for you to sample:

* [Core 2K](https://app.getiago.com/list/core-2k)
* [Travel](https://app.getiago.com/list/travel)
* [Food](https://app.getiago.com/list/food)


These lists definitely aren’t exhaustive! We’ll be working on more, but as we know, it’s definitely more fruitful if you create your own flashcard decks! So have at it, share your decks and high scores, we’d love to see the Japanese learning community grow!


**💬 Type to Answer**

>• We made quizzes harder
>• Instead of multiple choice questions, type out your answers and validate them


**🗣 Sentence-based Flashcards**

>• Immerse yourself in full sentences
>• Toggle on for contextual learning


**📈 Revamping Progress Tracking**

>• Track accuracy over time
>• Once you achieve an accuracy of 80% several times on a word, you’ll earn a **Learned Badge** for it


**🔎 Dictionary Search**

>• Search up words and add them to your lists
>• Use English, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, or Romaji to find what you need!


**👁‍🗨 End of Video Quizzes**

>• After watching a video, review the words you’ve seen immediately!
>• Test yourself instantly and stay disciplined!


**📱 Iago is now Mobile!**

>• Our web app is now mobile-friendly!
>• Quizzes, Dictionary Search, List sharing/editing are available on the go


Again, these features couldn’t have been possible without the feedback we received. We still have a long way to go, and appreciate any and all input.


We hope you guys can try out these new features and let us know what you think 🙂 You can find us on Discord – if you have any issues, feature requests, or just want to talk about your favorite shows, come join us!

Discord Link: [https://discord.gg/cXvth3zCrn](https://discord.gg/cXvth3zCrn)


Looking forward to hearing what you guys think 🙂

Thank you for your time,


Alex 🦜

  1. Wow this is awesome. I just started watching chainsaw man and couldn’t help but think how much better the experience would be if I could learn japanese at the same time. Excited to see what comes!!

    Will there be Crunchyroll support in the future?

  2. Does this only work on videos with built-in japanese subtitles or will it work on auto-translated subs on any youtube video?

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