Made a free website for practicing what’s taught in Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese

It offers various exercises based on the ones in the textbooks for practicing grammar, kanji, vocab, etc., much like the one I made for [Genki]( awhile back. You can try it out here:


Notable features:

* [Grammar Index]( which is also linked to the quick grammar review feature ([image]( in certain exercises that lets you quickly review grammar points.
* Automatic answer checking which accepts mixed kana/kanji answers (no need to flip through the answer key).
* Various settings for customizing your experience, such as toggleable Furigana, dark mode, etc.

After moving on from Genki to Tobira, I wanted to make a similar website where I could easily practice the material taught and hammer it into my head just like before. It’s still currently under development (11/15 lessons done), but I estimate it’ll be fully completed by sometime early next year.

Additionally, this project, much like its predecessor, is open source, so you can [view the code on GitHub]( as well as contribute improvements, fixes, etc. It can also be [downloaded and used offline]( for when you may not have access to the internet.

I hope that this website will be of use to others in their studies!

  1. >much like the one I made for Genki awhile back.

    I had been looking for that Genki website! For a while I couldn’t find it. Nice, thank you for the website.

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