Kishida remark on citizens’ responsibility revised after backlash

Kishida remark on citizens’ responsibility revised after backlash

  1. >According to government sources, while the drafted statement had read “citizens,” Kishida had reworded it to “all of us” when delivering the speech as he felt the tone was condescending.

    Yes, HE felt it was condescending. It’s called thinking before you speak. Something far too few do these days.

    Also, more defense spending when there are more pressing social issues, like low brithrates and a hilariously weak Yen, to deal with. This country is fucked. At least I’ll get to live here a few more years before it becomes a net loss to work here.

  2. The problem isn’t the difference between “citizens” and “all of us” its that the majority of both these groups are against a defence hike and would rather see any extra government spending going into things that directly benefit the citizenry rather than arms procurement boondoggles that, if anything, only exacerbate regional tensions.

  3. He is a member of Nippon Kaigi, a right wing, Emperor worshipping cult that seeks to return to the “good old days” of military greatness, women at home and government autocracy.

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