Japanese government urges businesses to raise wages on par with price hikes

Japanese government urges businesses to raise wages on par with price hikes

  1. Good luck. If the government were serious about this issue, they’d mandate it.

  2. Just had my salary increased, so I doubt I’ll get another one so shortly after.

  3. Is the Japanese government going to lead by example and raise the wages of all federal employees on par with price hikes?

  4. This sorta thing has come out before. It’s got no teeth, but it’s the government setting up a “well, we said… but you guys didn’t…”
    It’s very hone V. Tatemae

  5. Why? Are profits up? Import fees are through the roof and the yen is shit. No reason to raise wages and lose even more money.

  6. Japan used to have comparable wages to other Anglo countries, maybe 10-15 years ago. Now their purchasing power and earning power has fallen massively because there’s so much wage inflation last 10 years in places like US Canada and Aus. Even big cities in China catching/passing it

  7. What they really need to do is ban the practice of group hiring new grads and encourage hiring experienced workers, and also make it easier to fire people. This will increase labor market liquidity and allow for workers to easily switch to better paying jobs, and also incentivize companies to replace underperforming employees via the labor market

  8. Wouldn’t they just increase the cost of their products? – Capitalism Bullshit 101

  9. It is quite mysterious to see the same phenomenon worldwide:

    1. Companies raise prices at an alarming rate.
    2. Companies blame “inflation” and say there is nothing they can do.
    3. Companies don’t raise their employees’ wages (or maybe they raise it a tiny amount)
    4. Companies say “We can’t AFFORD to pay you more.”
    5. Companies announce “Record profits! We are killing it! Damn we are great!”
    6. Companies say “Oh .. but those profits are ‘special’ money. That money can’t be spent on wages. No no no. That money is a different kind of money altogether – why, it’s printed on special pink and orange striped paper that can’t be used for wages, sorrrrryyyy!”

  10. In my opinion I believe tax laws need to be more progressive. Invest in the younger generation. Invest in innovation.

    Japan is a wonder country with such rich culture. I just hope cracks in the foundation can be fixed before it’s too late.

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