Eikaiwa to web development

Hello, all. I’m currently teaching at an eikaiwa for about a year and I’m aware that this wouldn’t be a long-term career so I’m currently making plans to start studying web development. I have an N2 but I don’t have any programming experience. I just thought that with my interests (design and problem-solving; team-based work but not much client interaction), web design/dev would be a nice fit.

To those who are/were in the same boat, how did you study webdev? How long did it take? How did you land your first job?

I’m feeling a bit lost right now so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  1. Look at r/learnprogramming maybe. First do TheOdinProject for the basics, then just start making your own projects and stuff for experience.

  2. I’m not quite in the same boat, but have looked into various options. Here they are:


    – This is the cheapest option, but requires a huge amount of self-discipline to keep up with your studies. There are online programs you can follow such as the [Odin Project](https://www.theodinproject.com/) or the [OSSU Computer Science program](https://ossu.thinkific.com/courses/computer-science-v7).


    – This is perhaps the fastest way to skill up and get a job. If your goal is to make a quick transition, this is probably the way to go. That said, opinions vary on the desirability of this route.

    Check out [Code Chrysalis](https://www.codechrysalis.io/) and [Le Wagon](https://www.lewagon.com/tokyo) if you are in Tokyo.

    Post-bacc Degree

    – This is a relatively quick and reasonably priced option. Plus you can do this while still working. It’ll hopefully give you the foundational skills you need to get an entry level job.

    Master’s Degree

    – This is the most challenging method, but also perhaps the most desirable. While you generally don’t learn as many practical skills, you do learn a ton of theory and a master’s carries a lot of weight. Plus, as a side benefit, you get to teach at the community college level, or as an online adjunct. The best program (cost benefit ratio) is [GA Tech’s OMSCS program](https://omscs.gatech.edu/).

    I ended up enrolling in the GA Tech program – it is super challenging and I’m not quite finished, although there is light at the end of the tunnel! Good luck with your studies and making the transition.

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