Has anybody seen Avatar 2 in Japanese cinemas?

We would like to know roughly how much of the movie is spoken in the Na’vi? We can’t read Japanese so won’t understand the subtitles.

Thank you

  1. I haven’t seen it yet, but I asked this same question elsewhere and the answer I was given is that there’s not much spoken in Na’vi. A little, but they quickly switch to english

  2. Saw it, didn’t like it at all. There were both English and Japanese subtitles for the made up language, at least in Toho cinemas.

  3. Yes, I saw it. It switches to English pretty quickly at the beginning, but there is a smattering of it in other places in the movie. Not much though, and if I remember correctly, it was mostly a word here or there. There weren’t any long dialogue sequences after the beginning, at least that I remember. I thought the first two hours of the movie were really good.

  4. Saw it yesterday. And love it. It’s a very good “Avatar” movie. Of course don’t expect some crazy scenario but that’s not why people go to see Avatar.

    See the movie at the most high end quality screen you can get even if you gotta pay a bit more expensive.
    It’s one of most beautiful movies ever made with craziest technologies and never of patents so far.
    Even the Avatar legs hair have light reflection.

    Regarding your question, the Navi part has also english subtitles if you go see it original version at least. It is hard coded in the picture. Pretty sure it will stay here in the dub version too.

    I’m sure we had a post about this topic recently.

  5. Exactly same as you and I went to see the midnight first show at Toho Cinemas Shinjuku and no problem whatsoever with Na’vi or Japanese. Almost all of the movie had English audio barring few minutes at the start and a few words sprinkled in between. So that’s not going to be an issue.

    I loved the movie because I expected average plot and visual masterpiece and I got a little beyond that only. Good luck for your viewing.

  6. Haven’t seen avatar but generally speaking as long as you go to an English audio showing (meaning not a dub) you’ll get English AND Japanese subs for fantasy/third languages. Was the same for black panther and dune

  7. Saw it at Kawasaki 109 IMAX 3D. Loved it. Will watch it again.

    Subtitles for the Na’vi parts were in both English and Japanese. Just make sure to not buy a 吹替 ticked by mistake!

  8. At the cinema I saw it at, when Na’vi was spoken it would be translated to Japanese, the words were also in clear English. I was in the same boat as you, nothing to worry about!

  9. Haven’t seen Avatar 2 yet, but at the recent re-screening of Avatar, it was JA/EN subtitled.

  10. I saw it in another country and the English subtitles were hardcoded as a part of the film, so no worries. And they never speak in that language except for one or two words maybe 3 or 4 times.

    The movie really sucks. It is like watching a cliché gangbang with Tarzan, The Lion King 3, Pocahontas and Avatar 1.

  11. Went to the TOHO cinemas Shinjuku with IMAX 3D lase. It had English audio and JP subs. For Navi scenes the english subtitles are hardcoded therefore both JP and English subtitles are visible during Navi dialogue scenes. With JP subs below english ones.

  12. Japanese subs were white. When they spoke in Nav’ii and there were English subs, both the English and Japanese were in yellow with English above the Japanese

  13. Since the Na’vi language is a real language you can lear irl, learn it before seeing the movie and … problem fixed. ⏱

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