Getting a payment certificate when health insurance card not received?

So, last year was my first year in Japan, and I was on shakai hoken up until 4 months ago. Then, after a month on national insurance, I got back on shakai hoken with a private company. Before I left my first company, I handed the insurance card to the staff member (a government official) but didn’t take any other steps or get any type of certificate.

Now, I’ve received two separate letters asking for the card to be returned. I reached out to my previous employer, who assured me that the card was taken care of. However, I would expect to get some kind of certificate like I did for my month of national insurance. What can I do to address this?

1 comment
  1. First who sent the two letters? As long as you have returned the insurance card you have nothing to worry about. They’re only asking because they don’t want you to use the card when you no longer registered, it will cause a lot of trouble in payment.

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