Finding an apartment on working holiday visa

Hi there
I moved to Tokyo a couple days ago and had my first apartment viewings that turned into a “oh working holiday visa is tricky”, as it turned out it wasn’t accepted to rent the apartments in question with it.

My plan was to be on a working holiday visa and switch to either a student visa or an entertainment visa before the end of the year if I wanted to stay. I have income working for a company freelance abroad so I have proof of that but as I understand, not a lot of owners like to rent to people without a Japanese company or school in the background.

I absolutely hate my sharehouse (I’m just too old for this and btw it seems very overpriced for what it really is) and am very scared now that finding a place will take much longer than expected.

Does anyone have any recommendations?
The realtor said he was going to find something but it sounded somewhat negative.

Thank you

  1. Leopalace might work. They have short term contracts too.

    If you do decide to rent from them take an apartment on the highest floor and corner cause the walls are thin.

  2. But don’t you have to work in Japan for a working holiday visa? I didn’t know you could get one while working for a company abroad.

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