Suzuki-Gun celebrating Miho’s birthday at TakaTaichiMania is perhaps their greatest moment as a group and one of the many reasons why they’ll go down as the best bonded Japanese faction of all time.

Suzuki-Gun celebrating Miho’s birthday at TakaTaichiMania is perhaps their greatest moment as a group and one of the many reasons why they’ll go down as the best bonded Japanese faction of all time.

  1. Just off camera, you can’t see Lance using a Young Lion’s unconscious body to play “Happy Birthday” on the piano.

  2. This is really wholesome. They all look like bad influence but very nice uncles and cousins.

  3. >CUT TO: Suzuki menacingly wielding a lighted cake, advancing on a terrified Miho…

  4. The Taichi promo after his match with DOUKI in TAKATaichiMania was one of the best and mos emotional that i even seen.

    Amazing shows, the last one will be amazing for sure

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