
Came upon this lyric of a song that says “even if you profess love” I’m just a little confused why it’s using the verb to sing can anyone help explain

  1. you can sing a lot of things, it doesn’t have to be an idiomatic phrase

    詩を歌う – sing a poem

    also it’s a lyric, so it’s going to be poetic by nature

    “i will sing my love for you” is permissible in english, too

  2. If you look up 謳う on a dictionary, you can see the meaning is a bit different than 歌う.

    1. to extol, to sing the praises of, to celebrate

    2. to declare, to stipulate, to express, to state, to insist

  3. Different kanji may be used to write the same verb to bring attention to one of its nuances. To sing VS sing the praises of

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