Does your gym have rowing machines?

I am finding it difficult to find a gym or sports center in Yokohama that has a.proper ergometer. I just wanna do some rowing this year, and the prospect of having one of the nine foot long things in my house is a non-starter with the partner. So I’ve gone around to all the sports centers and a Gold’s Gym and a thru have are fancy treadmills and bikes.Is this a thing or am I just in a weird dead spot?

  1. Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen rowing machines at any gym I’ve been to here. I guess it mustn’t be a thing for whatever reason

  2. Haven’t seen rowing, but the one I go to (Chocozap) has a lot more than bikes and treadmills and is pretty cheap. No free weights, though. If anyone’s interested, I can share a referral code!

  3. I’ve used about half a dozen gyms in Japan and only first saw some last month at a non-chain gym in my middle-of-nowhere city. Hopefully they are starting to catch on.

  4. I’ve never seen any. I think it’s mostly due to the huge footprint required for them. As you said they are around 3 meters long and you can’t stack them side-by-side like treadmills and bicycles.

    The concept C2 is pretty pricey but it folds up for storage. I’ll be buying one when I can justify it.

  5. I’ve seen a few Anytime fitness locations with concept 2 rowers but they were never well maintained. You can see the type of equipment the gym uses on their website. (Precor, Life Fitness, Concept2, Torque, etc)

    I bought my own concept2 back in 2020 and I don’t regret it. It isn’t small, but it takes up less space than a treadmill or stationary bike when not in use.

  6. Out of the three Gold’s Gyms and 6 or so Anytime Fitness gyms I have been to, I have never seen a rowing machine.

    Which is a shame because it’s a cardio machine that tones up so many spots like the abs, upper back and legs. Running machines don’t do that.

  7. The anytime fitness I use to go to had a rowing machine. But the Joyfit I use now doesn’t. Just have to pull a bench over and lower the pulley on the tricep pull down machine (can’t remember the name of it). Or I’ve seen some people setup a barbell in a corner and do a standing row exercise.

  8. The gym that we used to belong to didn’t have any but we bought one for our home gym when we decided to do our own thing instead of paying those expensive monthly membership fees.

  9. The only gym within walking distance of my house (Nagaoka) is about 800 square feet and has three treadmills, and only two work. Needless to say there are no rowing machines to speak of either lol

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