Japan prodding firms to monitor human rights in supply chains | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Japan prodding firms to monitor human rights in supply chains | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis


  1. I am not sure how the govenment will pull this off if major banks, huge heavy industry conglomerates are tied up in human rights issues. For example, the US realized they really couldn’t properly punish companies that were ‘too big to fail’. Will this turn into something similar, they being too big or have too much expertise to exclude?

    Another issue is what to do when the investor has already laid down roots years in advance and a large part of their revenue is there, but human rights violations start occuring after that? Is this the case for Japan in Myanmar and Russia?

    [Companies which may still be doing business in Russia](https://leave-russia.org/staying-companies?flt%5B147%5D%5Beq%5D%5B0%5D=9057&flt%5B131%5D%5Beq%5D%5B%5D=354)

    There are also times when that criticim is directed at the govenmental level, whether it be military training of the Junta or the Junta allowed to attend Abe’s state funeral. This has also impacts Japan’s image. It is good that Japan has taken action to correct its military training practices in Myanmar, but will there be something put in place to help the government steer away from such problems in the future?

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