Russian TV claim Germany and Japan will force Russia into land war like 19th century, citing “genetically aggressive culture”

Russian TV claim Germany and Japan will force Russia into land war like 19th century, citing “genetically aggressive culture”

  1. If pushing back against an unjustified war against a peaceful country and supporting the victim makes you genetically aggressive I guess I’m genetically aggressive.

  2. The part about Samurais made me laugh. This dude is on drugs.
    This sh1tshow is racist af.

  3. The Japanese are so aggressive, my mom never worried when my brother and I walked home from the train station at 9:00pm after judo. We were 8 and 9 years old.

  4. Cough projecting cough. Sorry I had a verbal to text torrettes please ignore me.

  5. Sure sounds like a country that wouldn’t go violating a WWII neutrality treaty because they are not a “genetically aggressive culture” right?

  6. Japan? A land war against the Russians? I’m not sure they have landing boats or marines at this point.

  7. You can read/watch the same thing, only in the opposite sense, also in Western media. It’s all just propaganda, nothing to worry about, no truth.

  8. Russia is still salty they lost to Japan in a conventional war lmao

  9. I think no one needs to force Russia into doing anything. Putin is dead set on expanding Russia’s territories back to the Soviet age

  10. This Russkie must read a lot of Reddit, anytime I see something remotely positive about Japan some “contrarian” comes along and starts talking about wwII

  11. Lol good! Germany, Japan, and America are going to fuck Russia back to the Stone age and they deserve it.

  12. So….a war previously started by eugenics will be started by another country who is supposedly against eugenics with the excuse of eugenics?

  13. I know it’s just some crazy russian tv host but we also saw threats towards Kiev go from rhetoric to crazy, murderous attempt.

  14. They still haven’t got over the fact their white asses got served back to them by Japan more than 100 years ago, huh.

  15. I can’t believe there are idiots out there who still think this is somehow NATO and the US’s fault. Is the world really so warped that we can’t distinguish good from evil anymore? And I ain’t saying NATO and the US are good, but Putin is clearly evil.

  16. Can’t stop my absurd feeling at that mindless claim from Russia.
    Germany & Japan are the criminals in WW2, which means that if they would make another war against Russia or other nations, they will be kicked out of the UN right now.

    They already knew the fact that if they commit reckless war sooner or later, they can’t restore their advanced international rank no matter what it takes.
    They are not morons who don’t know the side effect of thoughtless battles.
    Then why should the two nations launch meaningless combat against Russia, the permanent member of the UN & UNSC?

  17. “You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia,’ but only slightly less well-known is this: ‘Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’ “

  18. In general the “Russian TV” is nothing but FSB-controlled propaganda. Don’t buy into their garbage.

    What you can see happening right now is that Russia wants to grab and occupy land – aka expand territory. This is precisely what is happening; everything else is just built around that. Russia uses the threat of nukes to expand its territory – that has not happened in many, many years. (Note: I refer to EXPAND the territory. Obviously other countries with nukes did invasion wars.)

  19. What amazes me most is how little Russians, from state dignitaries like PM to random common people on the streets, know about Japan and its people and this lack of knowledge plus their arrogance makes them laughing stock in Japan. Russia is not what the think it is at all. If one day they’re going to lose a way again against Japan that’s not only due to their weapons or manpower but this pitiful mindset

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