Using Ahamo abroad

Okay so just arrived in the Philippines which is on Ahamo’s list of countries it operates in free of charge.

Do I need to do anything?

I’ve just been using the data but not received any message from Ahamo so I’m a bit scared I’m just running up a huge roaming bill if I’ve done something wrong.

Keen to hear from anyone who has used Ahamo abroad before

  1. Hi. I used Ahamo in Vietnam before. It just automatically connects to a local provider and gives you access to data without any additional cost. Just make sure you turn off data roaming and even normal roaming (if there is such an option).

  2. I just joined ahamo 1 month ago and signed up at the shop. They said that you don’t have to do anything to use the data overseas for up to 20GB. No application, no process. I hope this is true, because I’m headed to Europe next month for a week.

  3. Just flick on roaming and you should be good. Just keep in mind that after 2 weeks abroad you’ll see reduced speeds. Even then 128 kbps is plenty for sending and receiving messages.


  4. Used it in America in the same way! Just turn on roaming. I believe there’s a 20gb limit before it throttles you to a lower speed though.

  5. wait really? im going to PH next month and i was afraid of not having data on my docomo ahamo. youre saying I get 20GB with roaming turned on!?

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