would you share some less crowded, but quite nice shrines for new year’s midnight visit?

thinking to try the first shrine visit during the new year midnight, but I heard that the popular shrines like Meiji Jingu could take almost 5 hours just to stand in line. Do you know some nice and less crowded shrines that has shorter waiting time (1-2 hour-ish, probably) during the new year midnight?

location: tokyo/yokohama

p.s. i heard the shibuya countdown event is cancelled, any ideas about the one near yokohama ferris wheel ? is it still on?

  1. It’s not worth it. I did it every year as a kid. Once my grandparents passed I stopped. I never believed in that mumbo jumbo.

  2. It’s a temple visit at midnight on New Year’s Eve; maybe this year the covid restrictions will be relaxed and you can ring the temple bell as part of the 108 tollings; and hatsumode shrine visit on New Year’s Day. Would guess Sensoji or Zozoji would be crowded NYE.

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