Japan ex-minister’s ‘world beauties’ photo collection on his website draws fire

Japan ex-minister’s ‘world beauties’ photo collection on his website draws fire


  1. I can see a time in the future when someone enters politics, improves the lives of his constituents, moves up in the party and becomes leader, wins a general election and becomes Prime Minister, improves the country’s relationships with its neighbours, creates economic growth, prosperity and peace….

    …and then has to resign because one person on Twitter is offended by a post that the politician made 25 years ago.

  2. I read about this yesterday. I just think the whole thing is painfully ignorant, extremely creepy and downright inexcusable

    Posting a photo collection of “beautiful women” on an official government website is bad enough, taking said photos of random women without their consent (one photo was of a woman sleeping!), doing so consistently for several years AND having the gall to title it 「世界美人図巻」!!

    I don’t think he did it maliciously, but it creates the impression that he views women (or maybe just foreign women?) as “things” to be looked at. Gross

  3. >Upon an interview request by the Mainichi, the legislator replied by fax, stating,

    FAX is low-lying fruit, I know, but the tree keeps giving.

  4. Posting pics of people on line without their consent ***is*** disrespectful and creepy, so tourists please keep that in mind when the country opens up again and you want to fill your Instagram with geishas and school children. They aren’t zoo animals, and they don’t want their picture taken, much less shared

  5. What a fucking creep. Japanese society let’s this shit happen. Women are garbage here. Just so grossed out on the way women are treated.

  6. Said before and I’ll say it again.

    Japanese men are down….bad…exponentially

  7. > On 8 July 2021, Nishimura announced the government would seek financial institutions “to lobby [their] customers that operate bars and restaurants to comply with government requests to temporarily close” and possibly to withhold loans to holdouts,[5] as well as to request beverage wholesale companies to stop trading with such businesses.[6] The government retracted the policy a day later, however,[7] with the chief cabinet secretary Katsunobu Kato stating “he had instructed Nishimura to be more careful about what he says during news conferences”.[5]

    OK, so he’s kinda prone to doing some careless shit and has a bit of a reputation.

    > In 2013, Nishimura has denied the accusation of prostitution during his 2012 visit to Vietnam.[8][9]

    Ugh, yeah he’s not the smoothest criminal.

    > In August 2021, Nishimura became the first Suga cabinet minister to visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine that enshrine the WWII war criminals.[10]

    Expected, but let’s just add it to the “I’m a piece of shit” pile.

    > The visit was made the day after his remarks urging people to stay-at-home orders during the Obon season

    Just lovely.

    > Nishimura is affiliated to the openly revisionist lobby Nippon Kaigi

    And that’s a bingo!

  8. Off-topic, but

    > An expert on gender issues points out that the lawmaker’s posts of the photos were “inappropriate.”

    Was that… was that something they had to ask to a gender expert? And was that all they asked? No legal / cultural analysis?

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