A student’s parent is asking me which is best the IELTS or TOEFL iBT or Eiken(2ndgrade) is good for a 13-year-old who has lived in an English-speaking country only for 1 year?

Her English is conversational but basic, but for Japan it’s very good.

Anyone with experience can give their suggestions? Even though the IELTS is recommended for 16 and above he wants her to take it maybe or the TOEFL iBT or Eiken 2nd Grade test.

Thank you

  1. What is the goal for taking the test? If they want her to study abroad (or impress certain types of international schools/other programs), IELTS and TOEFL would be the best fit. If they’re hoping to impress local high schools, especially public high schools, Eiken level 2 will be the most impressive to many schools.

    Now, if you mean which is the best actual measure of language proficiency, [this website ](https://www.e2studysolution.com/news/IELTS-or-TOEFL-Which-English-test-to-take/) provides some details on the differences between the two tests. And I wouldn’t seriously consider Eiken at all.

  2. TOEFL and IELTS are tests taken to insure English skills are good enough to enter an English language use university. Best taken by people age 17+ due to topics discussed.

    EIKEN 3rd grade is probably what child should take, but trying for pre 2 or 2 is okay.

  3. TOEFL Junior. iBT is the standard but the topics may be too mature for a 13 year old.


    Eiken is only recognized in Japan.

  4. The reading and writing topics for IELTS Academic are challenging, even for me as a native speaker. For TOEFL, the topics can be difficult, too. For example, during a speaking practice test, the topic was the Paradox of Choice.

    I recommend giving her some reading passages examples, which can be found online, from IELTS and TOEFL to check her vocabulary and comprehension. While I was helping my students on these tests, they struggled alot with the timer.

    However, I think Eiken would be a better fit for her. Then, she can work her way up to the other tests if she wants.

  5. IELTs would be crazy hard for a 13 year old. Eiken is basically useless outside of Japan but it is a good starting point. Eiken 5,4,3, pre 2, 2, pre 1 then 1 and then onto IELTs when the student is older and prepared.

    I actually teach a 12 year old boy who was born in the U.S and lived there until he was 10. Mum wanted IELTs, I said lets try then but I dont think that its a good much right now so he went into EIKEN pre 2 the 2 then pre 1 and now he is confident and about to do 1.

  6. Tests are used to demonstrate English proficiency to get a job, get into a school/academic program, etc. They can be used to motivate students and show progress.

    They usually expire, so passing a test now will not help someone study abroad in a decade.

    Sounds like the parent just wants bragging rights.

  7. Cambridge has some age-appropriate tests that are worth considering as well. As others have said, IELTS and TOEFL iBT would be way too hard.

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