How long do you think it’s possible to live decently in Japan with 15 million yen without working?

Single, with PR, no kids, eat only once a day, don’t smoke, don’t drink. Needs regular physical activities and regular free sex though. 🙇‍♂️

  1. You should be able to calculate that for yourself pretty easily. Biggest factor will be your living situation. Renting an apartment in a big city, or backpacking with a tent?

    And good luck finding a woman to stick around while you don’t work and try to spend as little money as possible

  2. Knowing that fresh grads can live alone on a salary of roughly 3 to 4 million yen per year in Tokyo, assuming you are on the cheaper side of that, shouldn’t be an issue to last 5 years on 15 million yen.

    Definitely longer if you do some small baito work on the side, or if you live in a cheaper place/countryside

  3. Do you have a valid right to reside in Japan?

    I.e are you a Japanese citizen? or have ability to obtain a status of residency (based on your OP one that does not require engaging in work to be maintained)? or already hold a SOR and returning on a re-entry permit? Or are you from a country and of an age that can get a working holiday visa?

    If the answer to above is no, then depending on your country of citizenship, with ¥15 million you can live in Japan for 180 days total per year (2×90 day stays)

  4. Honestly, depends on the visa and what not, I have lived here as a student before on 150,000 yen a month, roughly 1,800,000 yen per year. If you are pretty miserly, then you can live quite comfortably for 8 years give or take.

    However, if you want to live a bit better, 5 years seems doable.

  5. I spend around 2 million yen per year living a comfortable life, but I don’t live in Tokyo.

    So it would be around 7 years if it were me.

  6. 15 million yen? For me like 2 years, but I’m not you

    You could hermit it up and make it last forever, but then why even be in Japan ? Just go to Cambodia or somewhere and live like a king for a while

  7. Ten years, if you’re single and don’t go crazy spending money. Twelve or fourteen if you’re extremely frugal.

  8. If you’re here asking about budgeting but the “regular sex” that you “need” is free, why bother mentioning it at all?

    Great way to make a relatively normal post weird

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