North Korea criticises Japan’s military buildup; U.S. flies B-52 strategic bombers and F-22 fighter jets to South Korea

North Korea criticises Japan’s military buildup; U.S. flies B-52 strategic bombers and F-22 fighter jets to South Korea

  1. 20 Dec. 2022, 06:57 UTC update.


    >SEOUL, Dec 20 (Reuters) – North Korea on Tuesday condemned a Japanese military buildup outlined in a new security strategy, calling it dangerous and vowing counteractions, while also warning of another imminent test of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

    >Japan last week announced its biggest military build-up since World War Two as tension with China and a hostile North Korea, and Russia’s Ukraine invasion, stoke fears of war.

    >North Korea’s foreign ministry said Japan had effectively formalised “the capability for preemptive attack” with its new strategy that would bring a “radical” change to East Asia’s security environment [in a statement carried by the North’s KCNA news agency].


    >In a separate statement, Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, hinted at a technological advance in its ICBM system, and denounced questions over what North Korea said was its bid to develop a spy satellite.

    >Hours after the North’s statements, the U.S. Air Force flew B-52 strategic bombers and F-22 fighter jets to South Korea for joint drills with F-35 and F-15K fighters, in their latest display of force against North Korea.

    >The participation of the F-22 Raptor fifth generation stealth fighters, currently based in Japan’s Okinawa, was their first since May 2018 when the allies staged joint exercises in South Korea.

    ^Reporting ^by ^Soo-hyang ^Choi ^and ^Hyonhee ^Shin; ^editing ^by ^Lincoln ^Feast, ^Stephen ^Coates ^and ^Robert ^Birsel

  2. North Korea fires dozens upon dozens of ballistic missiles towards and over Japan and then have the fucking gall to criticize the Japanese for strengthening their defense forces.

    They are just like Russia. They do awful shit then accuse other nations of instigating everything. Fuck them.

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