Switching from Wanikani to KanjiStudy

First thing first- not a wanikani hater. I have been using it for almost a year and a half. Reached till level 19, was very useful in my progress.

Few days ago I discovered KanjiStudy from TokuyuuTV, YouTube, where they talks about how they learned kanji etc etc etc. They mentioned KanjiStudy and I installed it in my phone and started discovering it.

Few things that convinced me to switch to Kanjistudy in the order of my priorities-
1. Cost effective. Kanji study is cheaper than wanikani. At the moment, just $4.2~ one time subscription.
2. Good features- KS has flashcards, kanji writing sequence, daily streaks, and a lot more. Definitely, it doesn’t mean – to be more efficient, you gotta use all the features it offers. I am anyways gonna just use the flashcards, and daily day streak.
3. Better dictionary- offers more vocabs to learn along with its kanji.
4. Customizable sets- Customize your words and kanji in the groups of ‘New, seen, familiar, known’. Allows me to revise the words and kanji I am struggling with.

That’s pretty much it.

Wanikani’s srs is still the dopest tho, でもお金がない😭

1 comment
  1. What’s stopping you from using Anki?

    There are plenty of comparable decks on Anki for free. Heck, the entire wanikani deck is also free on both wanikani forums and anki web.

    It basically checks off all your needs, and only costs you a one time fee if you are using an iPhone.

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