Few general ‘moving out’ questions (Tokyo)

Hi everyone, hope y’all having a good day.

I found few past threads concerning the below matters, but they have not answered my specific inquiry so here I go.

I am about to switch places to live bit closer to the city center, however, I am wondering about few things that I am sure some people have dealth with here before.

Firstly, concerning few small scratches on wallpaper/floor, I know of this document: [https://www.juutakuseisaku.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/juutaku\_seisaku/tintai/pdf/310-6-jyuutaku\_eng.pdf](https://www.juutakuseisaku.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/juutaku_seisaku/tintai/pdf/310-6-jyuutaku_eng.pdf)

However, it is rather non-specific in what constitues “due negligence”, I was wondering what people’s experiences with that have been (to be precise I am dealing with 2 scratches, both made while moving the bed while cleaning, one on the flooring and one on the ‘typical generic white wallpaper’ that can be seen in the link below.)

Would it be something I should fix by myself to avoid the headache of potential scam costs while moving out? (example: [https://lovewithamo.com/kabegami-neko-hosyu/](https://lovewithamo.com/kabegami-neko-hosyu/) , for the floor scratch probably nothing can be done<?>, unless anyone knows of similar colored paint fillings for that.)

There is no security deposit for my apartment, but quite a steep cleaning fee.

Moreover, I heard that it might be possible to bill the minor damages from the fire insurance. Has anyone tried to claim it that way?

Secondly, since my new place will have all the furniture, I am stuck with a few very-well maintained appliances (ref, washing machine, bed, desk, etc.) Of course I am aware of the municipal disposal schemes, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with some companies willing to pay at least some ¥ for that sort of stuff. It seems like quite a waste to throw it all away (on top of paying for that.)

Some Japanese friends recommended me to put that stuff up on Mercari. Any experiences with that?

And, almost forgot, stuff like bed and desk both need to be taken apart. Since my skill with that is sure to damage the property further, I was hoping for existance of a company that could do the segmenting+removal in one.

I would very much appreciate any insights into the above. Any other advice concerning possibilites that I haven’t thought about is also very welcome.

All the best.

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