(SPOILER) NJPW wrestler returns to WWE

(SPOILER) NJPW wrestler returns to WWE

  1. All i’m gonna say is JONAH is a better name. Also, how do you think this affects the potential NJPW/WWE partnership people were hoping for?

  2. Genuinely shocked by this. I’m gonna miss him in NJPW. I know last time I suggested this I got attacked but, is there a chance maybe WWE and NJPW have some kind of agreement for WK maybe?

  3. I expected him to leave, but it’s gotta suck for TMDK. They need a new leader or faction to merge with.

  4. Waste of potential and definitely a dumb move. He was catching fire in NJPW. They presented him like a huge deal. He’s matching up against the likes of Okada and having classics. Here he’s just another guy they’ve brought back just because.

    But oh well. Money talks. This is why it’s incredibly hard for me to get invested in a lot of these wrestlers.

  5. WWE is making NJPW look like absolute dogshit.

    First this crap with Karl Anderson & now this shit with Bronson Reed.

    How the FUCK do you let a guy who was main eventing with OKADA just a few months ago leave??

    Then what the FUCK was the point of it all??

    And JONAH was legit getting over too.

  6. Dude is a bigger gentlemen and would have to travel to Japan semi-regularly. Shit can suck on a short flight let alone one to the other side of the globe. Add the fact that he’s always been rumored to be a favorite of Triple H and yeah, this totally tracks.

    Like I get this is the NJPW subreddit so there will be some bias but I can’t act like this isn’t a totally reasonable decision on his part. Best of luck to dude.

    Long Live Bad Dude Tito, leader of TMDK

  7. This seems like a massive downgrade for him.

    He went from beating Okada in the G1 to Miz’s lackey.

  8. That really sucks. He was really really good in NJPW. People were iffy on him being in G1 but he really proved his worth. Him beating Okada on the year anniversary of his release was such a special moment. Going to miss him. Hope Tito can stick with TMDK.

  9. Noooooo. After G1, I honestly saw him as a potential IWGP World Champ, almost a second coming of Vader. And now… well, I hope it works out for him.

  10. I hated the fact that effing Jonah who was carried by PCO into great matches of all people was given the opportunity to go over Okada, now look he used that to get back in the WWE. I don’t get why New Japan don’t sign these guys to a proper contract.

    WWE is making Gedo look bad

  11. I thought he would’ve stayed in Japan but that WWE money talks. Plus he had a good experience with HHH so that didn’t hurt either.

  12. Then people get mad when japanese dudes goes over the gaijins. They aren’t reliable in the long term and all of them are going to leave sooner or later. I’m always skeptical of Ospreay and principally White getting super pushed because of shit like this.

  13. What i don’t understand, is why you put over someone by beating okada, when the wrestler is not signed exclusively?

  14. Fuckkkkkk that sucks. His G1 match against okada was so fucking good. I hope he makes a ton of fucking money.

  15. Completely understandable, but still very disappointing to see after all NJPW gave him this year.

    Every time this happens, I always imagine it makes NJPW a little more hesitant to push newer foreign talent.

  16. I’ve got no hard feelings for Jonah for going back. He’s probably getting way more money and doesn’t have to do a bunch of international travel. But, in hindsight?

    That G1 spot **really** should’ve gone to Karl Fredericks. Could’ve even done the exact same booking (win/loss wise, I mean, not actual match structure) or just swapped his and Archer’s booking.

  17. Not surprised everyone is running back cause Vince is gone and will just be there as fodder

  18. I literally just commented today about Jonah and his future in new japan, I even said it wa likely he was staying lmao.

  19. Secure that bag I guess

    Wwe must be paying him so much more if Jonah would rather be the Miz’s lackey instead of a potential upper mid/main event gaijin monster.

    Wonder what happens with tmdk now?

  20. I still don’t understand why NJPW builds these guys into monsters, raises their stock, just so they could go back once they have the slightest chance.

    Nothing against Jonah, he played the game and now he’s gonna get paid and will probably hold a good position on the midcard but NJPW needs to start handing out contracts

  21. It feels weird to say this since Okada is obviously the most protected man on the roster, but NJPW needs to be more picky with who gets to beat him.

    This isn’t even the first time a guy has gotten a big win over Okada and bounced in a few months. Wins like that should be going exclusively to guys on long term deals.

  22. Sooooooo how many people have debuted since HHH took over? There’s so many people but really doing much in WWE. NXT wrestlers should be called up soon as well.

  23. I’m sure he’s happy with the increased pay/exposure but this is super disappointing to hear. Clearly NJPW loved him and had him set for big things, all for nothing.

  24. what a waste of his talent. Congrats to the man for getting a payday, but from an art standpoint its a shame that someone’s work I enjoyed wont be what it once was.

  25. Are we really crying about JONAH now?

    Guy comes in, gets a little push, lays down for the top guy, leaves. This is literally wrestling 101.

    Jfc this sub sometimes man…

  26. Kind of a bummer. On one hand, I’m happy for JONAH and want to see him succeed. Get your money. And like others said, continuous international travel like that has got to be a pain.

    But man, I really enjoyed him in NJPW. From NJPW Strong to that all-timer G1 main event against Okada, I always thought his ceiling was so much higher in NJPW than it would’ve been in WWE. I guess we’ll see.

    Also, something tells me FTR is probably going back to WWE when their AEW contracts are up too. Wrestle Kingdom might just be the last time we see those dudes in NJPW.

  27. This is once again more on NJPW management than WWE. Why would you give JONAH and TMDK such a big push when the faction leader could walk at any minute? His spot in the G1 should have gone to someone under contract, and the spot against Okada should’ve been someone like Cobb.

    As for Jonah himself, I don’t really care if he leaves because he didn’t move any tickets and was never going to.

  28. Doesn’t he have kids who are settled in the US? That would sway anyone to (likely) get paid more to be less prominent.

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