4 Days in Kyoto

Hello everyone! I’m planning my first trip to Japan from May 28th-June 22nd 2023. I’m fleshing it out little by little and wanted to do my time in Kyoto first since the rest of my trip I will be staying in Tokyo. I already have my accommodations booked for both Kyoto and Tokyo for the entire trip. I am going to be traveling with one other person, however, as this is a trip I’ve wanted to take since I was 10, I am making my own itinerary and making sure I get to do and see everything I want to do if possible. The friend I’m going with understands this and will make their own adjustments if there is something they aren’t interested in doing and vice versa.
Any recommendations on places to eat or places to take photos that won’t be extremely crowded would be great! I will be making another post with the rest of my itinerary, but I just want to get some feedback on my Kyoto trip for now. Thank you!

June 9th: Head to airbnb in Kyoto
•Ekiben for breakfast on shinkansen
•Arashiyama Bamboo forest
•Arashiyama Rilakuma Tea House for lunch
•Arashiyama Miffy Store
•Sugano romantic train
•Dinner at Kinkaku An (if open)
•Itadaki if Kinkaku An closed

June 10th:Spend day in Kyoto
•Breakfast at Komeda’s Coffee
•Tatami Starbucks
•Lunch in Sannenzaka
•Yasaka Shrine
•Maruyama Park
•Dinner at Kobe Beef Steak Mouriya Gion

June 11th: Day trip to Nara
•Fushimi inari taisha (if time/ wanting)
•Nara for the day
•Nishiki Market for evening/night

June 12th:Spend day in Osaka
•Osaka Castle
•Osaka Aquarium
•Rikuro Ojisan Cheesecake

June 13th:Head back to Tokyo
•Check out of Kyoto airbnb
•Hyde&Away Cafe for breakfast
•Head back to Tokyo
•Hie Shrine (just put this in here so it’s not empty)

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