Feb 22-25 Returning Mar 18-20 – Itinerary Check + Recommendations?


First time Japan traveler – first time cancelled due to Covid Pandemic. Lots of questions!

A bit about myself: Small town guy that likes some structure but also go with the flow. Big cities/subways overwhelm me, but it’s a growth project of mine. I can take it 🙂 but it is draining for me.

I do have a fair bit of time so I think it would be silly not to see some other cities/towns.

More of an early bird, not much for nightlife, but I MUST see Golden Gai bar street and check out night time buzz + Lights. Love lights. Maybe a rooftop bar somewhere, some night.. New York bar? 🙂


**My MUST DO’s + Things I love:**

Shrines, Street art/graffiti, Nature, Parks, maybe a hike or two (I’d climb Fuji if I could).
Wouldn’t mind seeing some cosplay. I like anime, but not huge into it. Video Games. Music/hipster scene. Adventure/exploring. Traditional shows/culture/ceremonies/meditation (but not too much time in museums).


Digital Art museum

Robot show / Silly + Playful things

Maybe a Ryokan

Tattoo appointments (FULL DAYS) on March 14,15,16 – Will probably need a few chill days after this.

Tattoo friendly Onsen, probably a few visits to one. In Hakone?

Maybe: Tea ceremony, Studio Ghibli Museum or Park (is the park worth it?)


I’m open to suggestions over activities and locations! Where’s the best place for short/half-day hikes in my list? Do I need to book hotels/hostels in advance? Or can I be flexible with this?


My Original rough Itinerary:

**Days 1-4 Tokyo ≈ Feb** **22 (5pm) – 26**

\- Getting my bearings + Jetlag + layout of my home base figured out. Suica setup

\- Wind night’s down at hostel (also a bar) over a drink + meet some people

\- See a couple parks + shrines

\- Digital Art Museum

\- Robot show

\- If I meet people that want to go to Golden Gai I will likely make room for this activity 🙂

Maybe: Tokyo government building

**Day 5 Daytrip to Nikko ≈ Feb 27**

\- Walks/Shrines

**Day 6 Daytrip to Kamakura ≈ Mar** **28**

\- Walks/Shrines/buddha

**Day 7 To Hakone ≈ Mar** 1

\- Onsen and bum around/relax, try for some walks around town and photos of Mt. Fuji

\- Stay the night here? Ryoken options?

**Days 8-10 Nagano ≈ Mar** **2-4**

\- Snow monkeys

\- Temples, shrines

**Days 11-14 Kyoto ≈ Mar** **5-8**

\-Fushimi Inari Shrine, Bamboo forest

\-Ramen/Matcha house

\-Geisha shows/Lanterns?

**Days 16-19 Hiroshima + Miyajima ≈ Mar** **9-12 – Museums/Shrines**

**Day 20 Back to Tokyo base + Onsen/relax day ≈ Mar 13**

**Day 21-23 Tatts in Tokyo = Mar 14-16**

\- 14th is a couple hour session in the morning. I have the afternoon + Evening off, but should take it easy. Mar 15+16 are full day sessions.

**Days 24-26 Tokyo = Mar 17-19**

\- Chill activities – Suggestions? (other than stuff my face :P)

**Day 27 (6pm) Sayonara Mar 20**

I have the morning to fill the time before my departure in the afternoon.


Thanks for your time 🙂

Happy Holidays!

1 comment
  1. The Robot Restaurant is permanently closed, if that is what you mean by Robot Show.

    I think that Geisha shows have to be booked in advance, so you might want to look into that. You can take in the ambience of Gion for free though.

    You probably want to google about tattoo friendly onsen. I think there is one I’ve heard a lot about near Tokyo but it isn’t in Hakone. I don’t have tattoos so I’ve never researched it.

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