I can’t make out what is being said, where can I ask?

When I’m immersing on YouTube, whenever I find a word that I can’t here well, usually the auto-generated subs will provide clues and I can figure out the word through context. Often though I can’t, so I ask around on Hellotalk, problem is that people simply don’t reply. I can understand people not wanting to open up a video, skip to the time stamp, and type out the word and explain it to me.

Perhaps there is a website for this specific problem?

  1. You either just find stuff with subs to immerse in or accept you can’t hear it yet and spend that time on more listening practice instead.

  2. I don’t think it’s necessarily a case of needing to ignore those videos *entirely*, but it is important to not dwell on the moments that you can’t understand.

    If you’re missing out on **significant** chunks of a video and it’s not fun or interesting to try anymore, move onto something easier. But if you’re having fun and you’re just missing a *little* here and there, well, keep going. Sometimes later on in the video, or at another point in the future even, you’ll find out what it was and suddenly it’ll be clear.

    But I do agree about using content with high-quality Japanese subtitles too – they can be a wonderful help in clearing up those ambiguities and strengthening association between what you know (a spoken word/written form) and what you don’t (the corresponding written form/spoken word).

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