Feeling Lonely and Isolate

I find it hard to settle in Japan the more I stay here. I lost a lot of friends and dating here sucks for me nobody even seems to want serious relationships. I struggle to live happy everyday and look for group of friends whom I can casually and randomly just hang out.

  1. Its a challenge for most of us as we get older to find a group of friends we can spontaneously hang out with considering the pace of most of our lives increases as we go on. (kids, spouse, job, our own hobbies). Try and join a sports club. Choose one that is more about community than competition and you will likely have a good time.

  2. How old are you? This also happens with age – can be quite jarring after leaving socially intensive uni life.

  3. I joined a local temple after I started living here. That gave me an instant community to be a member of.

  4. When I was studying Japanese, one of the popular things among fellow students was to join an Eikaiwa as a volunteer. The English language students often organised dinners and potlucks, I know it led to a few relationships as well. It did not interest me, but it seemed like an easy way to socialise.

    Volunteering is a good way to find like minded people – in case you are into volunteering. I’ve been looking for opportunities myself because my company gives me volunteering days off and I used to volunteer for kid’s hospitals before.

    If sports is out of question, maybe some light exercise instead? Hiking is great, local hikers are very friendly. Never had so many people randomly talk to me while eating my onigiri as I had during my rare hikes in Fukuoka 😉

  5. Same here.
    i’m 28yrs old, been in Japan since I was 10.
    I decided that I no longer want to stay in Japan and will be moving to Europe next year.

    I just don’t want to wait for things to get better in Japan, because I know it won’t.
    A lot of foreign in Japan feel isolated. Japan is like 99% Japanese, it’s hard to mix with them. We will always be an outsider no matter what.

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