13 Day Tokyo Itinerary Check

Hi guys! Two months ago I posted asking for a [comparison of onsens](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/xubhwk/kusatsu_onsen_or_kinugawa_onsen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Thanks to everyone who contributed as I will be travelling to Kusatsu Onsen!

I have most of my itinerary now and would once again like to ask this sub for recs to fill the gaps. Budget tips are also helpful!

FYI, the reason why I won’t be going to other prefectures is because I will be staying at a friend’s place in Nerima City to save money, and we want a more chill pace anyway.

For context, I have been to Tokyo twice already. The main purpose of heading there this time to see my friend who moved there a while back. I’ve been to most of the big tourist hotspots already, e.g. Mount Fuji, Tokyo Skytree, Akihabara, Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Hakone Onsen, Kinugawa Onsen/Nikko as well as nearby Yokohama.

If you can’t tell from the itinerary, my friend and I are more of the kind of people who are kids at heart/nerds. We’re not into clubbing or staying out late, and we really, really, really, love food. She likes nature stuff, myself not so much. So if you have any recs that fit this desc, I’d love to hear them!

Without further ado,

27 Dec: Arrive at airport, buy Suica, rest and catch up with my friend.

28 Dec: Sanrio Puroland

29 Dec: Toyosu Market tuna auction, Sushi Dai, [afternoon go shopping? Empty for now]

30 Dec: Empty

31 Dec: Comiket, countdown (where? most non-bars seem to have cancelled their countdowns)

1 Jan: Hatsumode, either Asakusa Temple, Meiji Shrine, or a local shrine if we are tired. Check out local new years markets.

2 Jan: Tokyo Disneyland

3 Jan: Tokyo Disneyland

4 Jan: Tokyo DisneySea

5 Jan: Empty, likely rest after the Disney trip

6 Jan: Kusatsu Onsen, might try the ski resort

7 Jan: Kusatsu Onsen

8 Jan: Fly back

Please shoot your suggestions on what we can fill the empty spots with!

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