JR East station staff on patrol will equip with body cameras in order recording problems and incidents with passengers.

JR East will gradually equip station staff with body cameras for security purposes from 26th March. The aim is to monitor in real time how they deal with problems and incidents with passengers, and to strengthen the support system so that other station staff can rush to the scene if the situation requires it. Regarding privacy, the company explains that the footage will only be used for troubleshooting and will be deleted after a certain period of time.

According to JR East, the system covers about 15 stations in the Tokyo metropolitan area and elsewhere. For safety reasons, the names of the stations are not disclosed. Station staff on patrol will wearing body cameras and the video footages are shared in real time with security companies and others. When the body camera is recording, a sign will be displayed so that passengers can see it. (Takashi Ogawa)

Source (in Japanese): https://www.asahi.com/sp/articles/ASQDQ55M6QDQUTIL01J.html

Source 2 (Yahoo Japan): https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/ef2f4e6ab72371648b478a42bac63516a66a08d4

Source 3 (Yahoo Japan): https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/2dee9acb6f7bdd7504376976ae1a0de2d3d46f4a


1 comment
  1. Now we can make these station staffs accountable! Joke asides probably a good idea considering some people are crazy

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