Part time job in a restaurant on WHV (21M), need some advice…

Hi, I got a question with regards to income tax in Japan. So, 2 months ago I arrived at Tokyo on a WHV. From the first week I have been working in this small family-owned restaurant in Asakusa. However, from my understanding my employer needs to withheld 20% of my minimum wage for every hour I worked, which she does not. I did ask her how she taxed me through Line, however according to her I am exempted for paying tax until a certain threshold is reached per year/month, so she didn’t tax me. For 2 months long I thought that was true until I started doubting and reading some reddit posts. I think she misinterpreted tax for residents with tax for non-residents (which I am), and although that is fine for me, more money for me (also get paid in cash), it does kind of bother my consciousness to not tell them that they taxed me with the wrong tax code. I really don’t care about money, because the average wage is peanuts compared to The Netherlands where I am from. I really like my colleagues and boss and would like to visit them again in the future if I got the chance, however I do think it is kind of strange to ask/demand them to tax me more? Also, I spoke with some other people at my language school and travel agency and they told me just to keep it a secret from them.

What should I do in this case? Tell the truth or let it be as it is? Also, how should I tell them if I tell them? Do Japanese appreciate in person confrontation or just a message on Line more (my Japanese is N4’ish, so perhaps I can explain in person, although it will sound crappy)? If I let it be as it is, I feel pretty dirty. Since a few years, I started trying to tell the truth as much as possible, so that is perhaps why I feel guilt whenever I lie or hide something. I do think that hiding something which should have been said is a form of lying as well. Please help!

1 comment
  1. Nobody cares. Came on a WHV too and pretty sure my first employer also taxed me wrong. Been here for 3 years now with normal work visa and was never a problem

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