Getting real worried about this year

We’ve not received our placements yet, there are rumors and reports of some Consulates having their departure pushed back and delayed, and not much news is being shared.

Almost feels like Japan doesn’t really want us but won’t say it directly.

  1. Placements will likely come this week or next, which is still within the timeframe JET initially shared. have patience 🙂

  2. Some EDs said that they didn’t get their placements until 3 weeks before departure. We still have over 6 weeks before we’re scheduled to go, so I wouldn’t worry too much. The waiting isn’t fun, but at least there’s time to prepare and say goodbyes 🙂

  3. Chicago sent out an email saying our placements are coming in a few days. I do not know which consulate you are waiting for, but do know that things do seem to be moving.

    Edit: Want to add, they sent that email literally today.

  4. There are a lot of different working parts with JET, bumps in the road should be expected. I know it can be stressful but don’t worry, we will get there eventually!

  5. Coming from a 2020 JET trust me when I say this. Japan moves at a incredibly slow pace.

  6. I believe Japan is still in a phase of their border control where they have limits on how many people can enter the country. That coupled with the new tourism moves may mean they have to reevaluate actual departure and since placements come with departure dates, they need to just wait and see how things develop in early June.

  7. One skill we must learn in life is to not worry about things out of our control. In your control? Oh sure, stress and anxiety are helpful to keep you focused and doing what you gotta do. If it’s out of your control, it’s just bad for your health to worry. Although it’s easier said than done, in this situation, there is nothing we can do but sit back and wait knowing our positions are secured (as past years were for 1+ year! That’s rare for a job I think to have such security), if only delayed (and there isn’t word about that except for Australians and Kiwis I believe).

  8. I asked about incoming people at our big meeting the other day. Only got a little info because it’s pretty hush hush, but maybe it’ll shed some light for you. Basically we were told:

    “The list of placements is finalized and we have it here, but we’re still not allowed to send it out because the exact group departure dates have not been finalized. We have a range in which they will happen, but until the exact dates are decided we can’t say anything. In addition, even when the placements are announced, you aren’t allowed to contact your successors until a certain date.”


    >Almost feels like Japan doesn’t really want us

    A pretty vocal minority does feel this way I think. When covid first started, a gathering of JETs at a bar became a major cluster, and then they all returned to their towns, spreading it all over Tohoku. At least that’s how it was reported in the news. So that certainly didn’t help our reputation lol.

  9. We got information on our potential newcomers last Friday I think. So don’t worry, your placements are on their way. Just sit tight until then. Hope to see you all soon!

  10. I didn’t get my placement until late July, then didn’t find out what school I was going to be in until I was halfway through quarantine. Don’t sweat it! (September departure 2021)

  11. If it makes you feel better, I’ve gotten my successor’s name. But was told that they haven’t sent out notification to that person yet. So probably soon.

  12. We have 3 new ALTs coming sometime in the summer…haven’t gotten names yet.

  13. Ya I hate to say it chief but some of us had to sit and wait for over a year beyond our initial departure date and had several dates cancelled and the like. The situation is decidedly improving and I don’t y’all will have that rough of a go but it’s not entirely smoothed out either I think. Hang in there. You’ll get here and it’ll be good!

  14. Haven’t gotten any information after the interview a month and some ago. 😀 😃 stress!!!

  15. >Almost feels like Japan doesn’t really want us but won’t say it directly.

    my brother in christ, have you taken a look at Japan’s covid policy for the last 2.5 years? you don’t even know a fraction of it haha.

    that said, you’ll be fine.

  16. As a current Prefectural PA, don’t worry about it. We just got names of new ALTs a week ago, will decide which schools to place them in today, and then the process goes on from there. As others are saying, it’s just not quite time yet. Soon. But it’s looking REALLY good from Japan’s end, near 100% of happening (in my opinion) and *on time* this time around. Woot :).

  17. My fears were unfounded! Got my placement and I’m happy with it!

    Lesson learned: relax. Things will work out.

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