KOPW News (Minor 12/22 Spoilers)

KOPW News (Minor 12/22 Spoilers)

  1. Makes sense. If it’s going to be a regularly defended title then it should be a belt like everything else.

  2. Ayyy! I’m glad it finally happened, a trophy is a neat idea for ending the year but having it be defended was kinda weird. Hopefully we see lots of defenses for KOPW and TV Title in 2023.

    The plates look nice, but I’ll have to see how the cerulean blue leather looks in action.

  3. Thank you Daddy Shingo and Taichi for making the trophy mean something. Next year could be even better since they’ve figured out what to do with that unique concept.

  4. Not a fan of the electric blue belt, but it’s a major step up from the trophy that looked like the one you get for playing on a youth sports team.

  5. A belt is nice but they gotta make sure that being involved in KOPW doesn’t mean missing the main card of WK the year after because holy shit, almost everyone who held it or fought for it is out of the main card, they’re probably all cursing Okada now

  6. They need to end this whole concept. Not add more prestige. The new TV title is enough.

  7. Good call, honestly. I was getting tired of everyone smashing the trophy to pieces anyway. Belt looks nice too!

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