Hidden Alleys in Tokyo✨

Hidden Alleys in Tokyo✨

  1. Is it safe to walk around these areas at night as a woman alone? It’d be heavenly to just walk around there undisturbed.

  2. Tons of these izakaya drinking bar allys in Tokyo. Under train tacks, by parks, behind financial towers, in between shopping centers and department stores, etc. You name it they are almost everywhere.

    Some are even leftover as a legacy of WW2. After America devestated Japan with bombs there was nothing except piles rubble. The resourceful Japanese people out of desperation and the human drive for survival cobbled together small shops, bars, restaurants from rubble, rocks and tree branches to sell anything they could. Drinks, noodles, rice, black market goods. They used any space they could find and defend for themselves and made enough scratch to skate by and live. Years, decades and generations later their kids, grandkids and great grandkids are able to reap the hard work of generations prior and enjoy a modern first world life and you get to enjoy some of the remanents of places born out of desperation and sacrafice.

  3. This is in Shibuya near the station. Not hidden at all but the night shot and the edited colors make it look really nice.

  4. Looks super nice with the editing, but this is a common walkway in Shibuya near Taco Bell.

  5. I enjoyed going bar hopping down streets like this!?! Went to a few each evening on my first trip to Tokyo and though I had hangovers every morning ummm it was well worth it 🙂

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