Is it ok for me to accept an ALT job offer at company A and then withdraw and accept company B’s offer because it is much better?

I had a great interview yesterday with an ALT dispatch company A and I have a feeling they are going to give me an offer soon.

However I am also applying to a few eikaiwa and other dispatch companies because some of them have much better benefits than the one I just interviewed with.

If I get the offer from company A whilst still interviewing for other places, can I accept it without any drawbacks until I get and accept an offer a place at company B/C or D?

This is the first time I’ve ever done the job hunting process in my life so I wanna be sure I’m not screwing myself over or doing something dangerous.

Please help me, senpai. Thank you!

  1. If it makes you feel better, in my experience with ALT companies, accepting an offer and signing a contract are (in the beginning) two very different steps. Usually, if it’s your first year at an ALT company, you won’t sign your official “I will work for you for one year for X amount of money”-contract until after training.

    If you haven’t signed a contract yet, I don’t think you have any reason not to continue looking elsewhere.

  2. We had a guy who started working at our school. I made an extra effort to get to know the guy and teach him the ropes. He left two weeks later because he said he had applied to another job that paid more for less hours. Good for him, but I still don’t like the situation he put us in, and the thought of someone else needing that job. You’ve got your situation as well, but your actions also have consequences. Good luck.

  3. The only issue that nobody has mentioned is that once company A applies for your COE, they have to withdraw it (or it needs to be cancelled) before company B can apply for you. So, there are some potential bumps in the road re: getting your COE and visa.

  4. Did you tell company A you were still interviewing? If so, just put them off if they make an offer to you, explaining (a) that you’re waiting to hear from companies B and C and (b) that you understand it puts them in a difficult position.

    If you care to mention the *name* of the companies involved, some here on Reddit may be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each or some of them.

  5. Yes. And it is almost the moral thing to do in this job environment. SCREW over any and all ALT dispatch companies. You have no idea how easily and how much money they are making off of you. The only good ALT position is a direct hire position. Use them ALT mills to get a visa then throw them under the bus.

  6. Ya why not ? You can do whatever you want. Just as long as you don’t sign anything you have absolute freedom to choose whoever you want .

  7. You’re a mercenary. Do whatever suits you. Honor no company, but always communicate your decisions.

  8. If they make you an offer and you are still waiting on some other companies, just explain that to them and tell them when they can expect a yes or no from you. They may have some deadlines/considerations themselves: just talk and work it out.

  9. Yes, do it.

    If it helps, my experience with life has been that whenever I’m rejected from an offer (new job or promotion), I am ALWAYS the last to know about it because rejection is their last step (just incase people bail). Heck I’ve been in one super depressing office situation where I had to spend 6 months being ghosted by HR while I heard everybody around me celebrating about their promotions. Didn’t I feel silly afterwards when I waited for HR to respond rather than applying elsewhere from day 1! Never gonna do that again.

    Now you’re in the winner’s circle, so congratulations. Don’t feel guilty about having hedged your bets. When applying for jobs, there’s no way of knowing who will give you an offer or when in advance. IMO you’ve just gotta apply for as many jobs as possible and pick the best offer.

    What’s the worst case scenario gonna be? A few weeks back a ‘new-starter’ in my team simply didn’t show up on their start day (no communication). It turns out they got another job offer that morning and took it instead. So what? They’ve got a job (so their bills will continue to get paid) and I doubt anybody will care enough to remember their name and/or hold a long-term grudge.

  10. Accept the offer from A as back up. If you get a better offer from B, C, or D, don’t hesitate to withdraw your acceptance. I can guarantee you that if for some reason the dispatch company lost the position with the client school or found what they thought were a better a candidate than you for the position, they wouldn’t hesitate to rescind their offer to you.

  11. No.

    You will be arrested inmediately when you try to enter Japan and be executed without trail because you haven’t been issued a gaining card yet.

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