PC hardware store Dospara took my money (200k) and then suspended my order due to fraud concerns

I am so defeated. I purchased a GPU with my girlfriends card something she wanted to do for me as its christmas. They took my money, then they suspended the order.

My order was confirmed and the store has a policy where they rarely cancel and refund orders once confirmed. So they took my money, confirmed my order and then suspended it.

I am at a loss, it was suppose to ship within 24 hours, now they say the bank will call us within 3-7 business days, after that they will ship the card within another 3-7 days.

Im losing my mind, I could literally go into the store here to get it, we thought it would just be more convenient online.

Is this situation normal? How do I avoid this? How do I resolve this.

  1. Can your GF call the bank/cc company to sort it out?

    The only thing I can imagine to prevent this in the future is to ensure store account name, receiver’s name/address all match what is on the cc.

  2. If you do something that appears sus like buying with a different person’s card in your name, it can happen. But your gf should have the ability to complain and fix it.

  3. “Is this situation normal? ”

    Yes, you can’t buy things with other people’s credit cards. Next time set the correct name in the billing address if you have a different name and/or address in the mailing address.

  4. I honestly think brick and mortar can be less of a pain in the ass for big ticket items.

    In fact, the ONLY place I found a card for Its original launch price was a brick and mortar shop for a new 3060ti. Online it was way more painfully listed.

    Really sorry about the bs. I can only sympathize that online shopping in JP can be a right pain in the ass.

    For example, there’s a password protected popup sometimes for my debit through JP post, which I wasn’t given adequate information would be a thing, or that steam suddenly stopped accepting my card, but I can still charge the card through PayPal for the same fucking thing.

    Do what you can to reassure your gf that she’s still the GOAT for getting you something so sweet even if it’s a bit frustrating to wait.

    GL hope everything gets resolved.

  5. Happenned to me once, although it was MY card.

    Called the card company, explained to them, they told me “nope, nothing stuck on our end now, please contact the seller”.

    Called dospara (or maybe tsukumo, dont really remember), told me the usual “There is a lot of fraud recently blablabla”, tell them you called the card company already and there is no problem, that this is for a Xmas gift and you NEED it on time, and that if needed you are okay to have a 3 way call with the card company and them, or if you are close enough, to go to a store. Usually regular staff won’t be able to unlock the situation for you, so ask for a manager or someone who has the authority to do it.

  6. definitely call the bank. When I was using my debit card in the past I clicked an order for 300k when I only have 200k in thr bank. Normally it shouldn’t go through but I was charged for the shipping which is around 20k. Called JCB but it took 3 months to be refunded.

  7. >Is this situation normal?

    Yes, especially since it sounds like the person’s name on the credit card and the billing address were different than the person and address the purchase was going to be delivered to.

    >How do I avoid this?

    Getting a credit card of your own? Getting a pre-paid card if you can’t get a normal credit card? Purchasing in stores?

    >How do I resolve this.

    1. Check your girlfriend’s credit card statement online – you should be able to see purchases especially if it was made a few days ago.
    If they haven’t actually charged the card (which is what normally happens when things are flagged for fraud – they don’t accept the charge) there isn’t really anything to resolve is there?

    2. If they have you wait, it’s going to be 2 weeks max, it won’t kill you to wait.

    3. In the event that they charged your girlfriends credit card and decide not to ship the purchase or refund the charge your girlfriend disputes the charge and the credit card company investigates and returns the money.

  8. Can you just cancel the order and go to a store and buy it?

    This could be the PC gods telling you that you don’t need a 200k video card. =)

  9. Similar with me at NewBalance. I bought a backpack online because the store didn’t have the color I wanted. Used my card, money was paid then on the initial estimated receiving day, they suddenly say they’re going through some kind of fraud screening thing or whatever and gave me no estimate on when it’ll be delivered.

    Took two weeks for it to randomly show up at my door.

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