Snow “storm” in Kyushu disrupted my entire flight plan

For the Christmas break, me and my friend had planned a trip to the Tohoku region, and we were supposed to fly out today. However a little snow meant there was a signal failure and we were basically stranded for almost 3 hours in the middle of nowhere. We’d missed out flight and ended up taking a shinkansen to Osaka to catch the next flight up north.

Now that the rant’s over, I was hoping to ask you fellas for advice for going about a refund or reimbursement from either JR or Peach, especially since our travel cost has doubled, and a day late, and all because it decided to snow one day

  1. I’ve had peach flights cancelled due to weather and I’m pretty sure I got an email from them along with the cancellation explaining that the money would return within X number of days.

    I don’t remember how long they said it would take but I remember it being faster than expected.

    I highly doubt you’ll get any refund for the money you spent travelling up other ways.

    Something to be aware of in Japan. Summer typhoons and Winter snow will often ruin plans!

  2. We had a one-hour delay a few years ago on the Kyushu shinkansen when it had to stop due to high winds from a winter storm. We’ve certainly had a lot of strong wind here today. Another time we were delayed on a limited express train because of heavy snowfall that created an avalanche risk somewhere along the line. Weather delays due to storms are not unusal on trains.

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