Quarantine rules/ punishment

I am a foreign resident in Japan, and I have a question about positive COVID tests and quarantine rules/ regulations. The doctor who administered my COVID test told me that I must self quarantine for 7 days from when the the test was administered, whereas the Ministry of Health website says that the quarantine is seven days from when symptoms appear. In my case, this is the difference in me being able to board a flight that I purchased and not. The positive test was taken 6 days before the scheduled flight, and symptoms appeared the day before that. Can anyone inform me of the current guidelines for this and what the consequences for breaking them would be? Thank you.

  1. You will be drug through the street by an anime girl before being beaten with a flacid ramen noodle until you sign a confession and an apology for the heinousness of your crime.

  2. Glad to see you’re worried about whether or not you’ll be able to board a flight instead of caring about whether or not you might infect a whole plane full of people.

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