Seeking Japan travel advice please

hi friends, I am beginning research on a trip to japan, a place that i have wanted to go for a long time. I don’t really know where to start, so i thought i would give some details, and ask some questions to reddit, if that is okay. I will be travelling alone, and am a single gay guy from AUS, and will be arriving in the Japanese winter for 10 days, and I have no set plans. I don’t speak any Japanese. I am a quiet person, and I prefer to be off the beaten path, with less tourists. My goal is to explore the small villages and post-towns in the mountains, if they are open in the winter. My questions: 1. Should i arrive into Tokyo or Osaka airport? 2. What area should i focus my exploring in? 3. Will it be possible to get accomodations out in the villages? 4. Is the culture gay friendly, or should i pretend to be straight for safety reasons? 5. Will locations be closed for winter? What are the names of some villages / towns / trails i should research? Is nakasendo the best forest trail? I am off to do some more research. I look forward to your thoughts? Thanks!

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